




The world has been changing at an unimaginable pace,never stops.I never stick to convention and always keep curious.Searching the life for the new challenge and the new answer,which leads us move forward.


Pedini成立于1957年,位于意大利著名的马尔凯大区中心地带,占地面积达36000平米,从一家手工制造企业不断发展革新,已历60余年,发展到如今的规模让人惊叹。Pedini 精耕厨房设计领域,一直以来用作品说话,是行业当之无愧的领先者。


The pedini imprint is strictly “handmade in italy”: the proof of the quality of pedini’s products is found innumerous recognitions received from international institutes that acknowledge the technological evolution of the company’s manufacturing procedures and the careful selection of environmentally friendly materials and components.

Pedini is the industrial evolution of an artisanal enterprise which continues to be a protagonist in the history of kitchen design for 60 years. Its path began in 1957 in the hearts of the marche region where pedini where the company still has its plant, with a total area of 36,000 sq.M.




好的设计源于对高品质生活的向往与追求。然而从意念到可以触摸的到的生活远没有你想象的容易,Pedini无疑拥有这种超凡的直觉。Pedini的设计师在描绘他们梦想家的蓝图之时,都会仔细研究各种材质的组合搭配,检验材料的耐久性跟耐磨性,评估材料的环保性,并依赖 Pedini 延承而来的超凡的直觉将物质转化为生活的本来面貌。让人,物,场和谐共生,达到天成的生活之美。

The best design comes from the desire and pursuit of high-quality life. But life is far less intuitive than you might think. No doubt,Pedini has this extraordinary intuition. The research for materials

and their combinations, the verification of their characteristics to ensure durability and wear resistance, the evaluation of the environmental impact the use of a material might have, are questions that the Pedini designers ask themselves before conceiving a new idea. A project derives from a brilliant intuition in order to turn matter into original forms of contemporary living.